
南京栖霞 临时监控租赁

来源: | 发布日期:2024-07-23 18:18:50 | 浏览次数:















  **Temporary Surveillance Rental Services in Qixia, Nanjing**

  **Introduction of Services**

  Yuantong Leasing, a professional leasing service provider, is committed to providing efficient and convenient temporary surveillance rental services to customers. We deeply understand the importance of security monitoring in special occasions or emergencies. Therefore, we are dedicated to providing diversified temporary surveillance solutions to meet the individual needs of different customers.

  **Product Categories**

  Yuantong Leasing offers a wide range of temporary surveillance products, including HD cameras, digital video recorders, intelligent analysis software, and more. Whether its an indoor or outdoor environment, we can provide suitable monitoring equipment to ensure clear images and stable data transmission. In addition, we offer various specifications and configurations of monitoring equipment to meet different monitoring needs.

  **Service Process and Fees**

  Our service process is simple and clear. Customers only need to contact us by phone or online platform, inform us of specific needs and site conditions, and our professional team will quickly formulate a personalized surveillance plan for you. After the plan is confirmed, we will arrange for equipment delivery, installation, and debugging promptly. Regarding fees, we adopt a transparent and reasonable pricing strategy to ensure that customers can clearly understand the source and amount of each cost.

  **Service Coverage**

  Yuantong Leasings temporary surveillance services cover the entire Qixia District of Nanjing, including Qixia Street, Maigaoqiao Street, Yanziji Street, Yaohua Street, Maqun Street, Longtan Street, Xianlin Street, and Baguazhou Street. No matter where you are in Qixia District, we can provide you with timely and professional temporary surveillance rental services.

  **A Small Story about Our Services**

  During a temporary surveillance rental service for a large event, we encountered a customer with high demands. He hoped to achieve comprehensive surveillance coverage at the event venue and required that real-time monitoring images could be transmitted to his mobile phone in real-time. Facing such a challenge, our team quickly formulated a detailed surveillance plan and carefully selected high-performance surveillance equipment. At the event site, we successfully met the customers requirements and transmitted real-time monitoring images to his mobile phone. The customer expressed satisfaction with our service and praised our team for being professional and efficient.


  In addition to temporary surveillance rental services, Yuantong Leasing also provides gate machine rental, RFID sensorless passage rental, network rental, video conference system rental, emergency broadcast rental, and various conference smart equipment rental services. We always put


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